You Are God’s Masterpiece

Have you ever thought of God as an inventor?  Just think, he created Xela, this beautiful city.  But have you ever thought that you are an invention, created for a purpose?

If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I took a team down to Guatemala to lead The Inter-American School’s Spiritual Emphasis Week.  Our theme for the week was The Inventors Workshop, an idea I got from the movie Hugo.  I asked them to look at their lives as if they were invented with a purpose.

During the all school chapel on Tuesday morning I asked the students help me make the greatest invention ever.  We decided we needed some volunteers, so I called up the smartest kid in school, Skyy.  Then I called up the tallest, Oscar.  Followed by the strongest, How.  And then for good measure I picked a random boy out from the crowd, little Quike (pronounced key kay) from second grade.

Surprisingly enough, Oscar was too tall, How was too strong, and Skyy was too smart.  Quike was just perfect for my experiment.  If you don’t understand why I went with the smallest boy, maybe you should read a story from the Old Testament where David, a young Shepard at the time, is chosen by God to be the future king of Israel.  He isn’t big and strong like his brothers, but he has something God desires.

And so Quike let me use him to create the perfect invention.  First, we decided, he had to be wearing a hat, cause hats are cool, so I grabbed a hat from the audience and placed it on his head.  Then, what boy would be complete without sunglasses?  But I wanted him to be even cooler so I broke out my ski goggles and plopped them on his head.  My perfect invention was almost complete.  What kid is complete without an iPod and headphones?  I shoved my headphones on his little head and turned up the music.  He was complete.

Only one problem.  He couldn’t hear his inventor.  I tried several times to make him walk across the stage, but alas, the music was too loud.

So what did David have that God desired?  An open heart.  We cannot respond to our inventor if our hearts are closed.  Like Quike, who couldn’t hear me because of the music, we often drown out God with noise.  How often do we have our iPods on and miss out on what God has for us?

So, I challenged my students to open their hearts to what God had for them that week.  I asked them to unplug from anything that could distract them from God.  ‘Cause if their hearts were to remain closed, they would never know their purpose.

And what kind of leader would I be if I challenged them and didn’t give them an example of what an open heart looks like.

When I first started teaching at IAS, almost four years ago now, I was nervous.  If you go back and read some of my first blog posts you’ll see I was lonely, and not a good writer.  I was not alone.  Because I kept my heart open to all God had for me in Guatemala, he provided me with friends and amazing experiences.  Over the three years the students at IAS invited me into their lives and by doing so we created memories and built relationships.  If I’d had my heart closed off to them God wouldn’t have been refine me, his invention.

I believe God has created us as his masterpiece.  We are his most complex invention.  I challenged them to look at a series of photographs with an open heart.  You might not know anyone from the following slide show, but I want you, my readers to keep your hearts open as well.

Here is what I see when I look at these pictures.  I see a kid I tutored, the same kid I convinced that the Rockies were the best team in Baseball.  I see a class that showed me how much fun teaching can be, they also showed me how frustrating it can be as well.  I see kids that love to play zombie tag.  I see friends who God has a special plan for.  When I look through this slide show I see God’s masterpieces.

If you were to add your own picture to that slide show, I hope you would see that you are God’s masterpiece, his greatest invention, and that he has a purpose for you.  You are not, as Hugo says, “spare parts.”

Join me, Brendan Scott, and my dad, Eugene Scott, in living spiritually.  We are 93 days into the new year and I have already seen God do so much.  Join us on this adventure!


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7 responses to “You Are God’s Masterpiece

  1. Great post, Brendan! So true that we need to be careful of letting so many things drown out God’s voice. I periodically take days that I call, “Media Free Days”! No phone, computer, TV, etc. You get the idea. I need them. They help me refocus and they bring peace to my soul. God bless!

  2. Georgie-ann

    I just woke up from a dream, that I was trying to understand “the meaning” of (if any),…& from that residual mental blur, decided to read your blog first, of several e-mail choices,…so now they happen to be blended together in my mind,…I think your blog maybe helped me to understand the dream better,…

    In my dream, a “very nice friend of mine” was trying to help people who had “gotten mixed-up” as kids, by copying “artificial” styles and patterns of life that didn’t fit with their deepest and truest essential (God-designed) nature. The trouble was that, that deeper part of themselves was now very miserable, because they had “really believed” the artificial stuff they “had been sold,” and they had created strong false personalities (earthly persona “acts”) through which to interact with life along these “expected” lines.

    However, this deep division and internal contradiction left them feeling inwardly both powerless and frustrated. Having “invested” all their “life force” into developing the “popular” false personas, — (which they were only now beginning to “see through,”… and the “fruit” of which can be very dangerous indeed!) — the “real” them was actually left very under-used and under-developed, and as a result, was very ill-equipped to meet life “head-on” on its own terms,… having grown or exercised NO strength, NO power, NO affirmation, NO authority,…

    This left them feeling more or less “disconnected” from their own real selves, their own lives,… injured, disabled, and side-lined. The “false persona/identity” had become a “heavy, — (but now empty and meaningless) — burdensome shell” that they were dragging around,… almost post mortem, so to speak. The personal pain (and despair) of this condition was actually excruciating,…

    In my dream, I felt very alarmed and almost hopeless for the crippled and suffering people,… but I’m happy to say that now I don’t! To be divided in the human psyche, is NOT how God created us,… and to experience a divided condition is often very painful. To be divided between “true and false,” “good and evil,” “love and hate,” “real and unreal,”… humans cannot endure these conditions consciously for long:

    Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

    When satan introduced “the apple” to Eve, from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he knew EXACTLY what he was doing,… introducing “knowledge”/awareness of himself — (the Evil part, of course) — to the the world of God’s Goodness,…(hello),…instant polarity,…instant contradiction,…instant divided consciousness,…instant pain,…ouch, iow,… and then, of course, his “medecine bag”/pharmacopia of drugs and sinful distractions, to (only temporarily) numb the pain, while continuing the destruction,… This has surely been “a real bad deal,”….

    Your example of showing Quike “all wired up” and thus sealed-off from hearing his God and Creator calling to him, demonstrates perfectly just how easily and automatically we can invest our own life force in “artificial realities,” as both habit and distraction, while we neglect to nourish our true inner self and connection with God,… and we are usually very unaware of the difficulties we can be establishing for ourselves, by so doing.

    It IS the prevailing “human condition,”… and “numb to it” is the automatic/default setting for multitudes,… (the “broad path,” one supposes),…

    Matthew 7:13 [ The Narrow Way ] “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.”

    So,… why is the distress of pain over this “condition” NOT a bad thing???,… because “numb” is a worse thing! In “numbness” to our “lost and fallen (and divided) condition” we will not be able to act or choose or do anything but continue on the path we are on,… we have been lulled into a deep sleep, into a trance of an evil soul-and-life-sucking nature,…

    Waking up IS very painful,… but also preferable, and even desirable,… NO addictions are ever left behind without some form of “painful separation” (from satan’s hooks),… such pains will lead us to call out to God for rescue and the miracle of deliverance, which He is prepared to do for us,… which Jesus Christ paid the price for (in our place) “on the Cross,”…

    Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

    Isaiah 12:3 “Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation.”

    John 4:14 “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

    Revelation 21:6 “And he said unto me, ‘It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.’ ”

    Revelation 22:17 “And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”

    Easter is the season that touches most closely these realities of Salvation, as God is offering it to us,…Truly, we thirst for God, and God has also thirsted for us,…we are “a match made in Heaven!”,…offering prayers: that many will “see this Light” and “come home to God” this Easter!

    Habakkuk 3:18 “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”

    Romans 8:37-39
    37 ” … in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”



    • Wow! What a dream. I am glad my blog helped out. Thank you again for reading and commenting.

      • Georgie-ann

        It must have been a Holy Week dream!,… I hope people are “waking up” in this way, all over,… and maybe getting spiritual “pins and needles” in places where they might have been numb for a very long time,… they keep telling us that we’re overdue for a “Great Revival!”

        (I say, “Let’s get the party started!”)


      • Heck yes!! I hope we all unplug from the things of the world and tune in to God.

      • Georgie-ann

        I’m with YOU,…100%!

        The world is such a poor substitute! (-:

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